Release notes for Payroll Interface 3.5
Below is an overview of changes and new features introduced in this release of the FourVision Web App.
New features
Added a parameter to 'Split' source fields into multiple export fields based on a 'Split' value
Added file naming conventions for ‘Run year (2 digits)’, ‘Run year (4 digits)’, ‘Run month (2 digits)’, ‘Run month (no leading zero)’, ‘Run day (2 digits)’ and ‘Run day (no leading zero)’ in the Export formats
Added a button to remove the entire cycle if no periods in a pay cycle are in use and added an option to delete the last period of the configuration according to ‘Start date’ and ‘End date’ if the period is not in use
Added the 'PayrollPositionDetail' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Added the 'PositionUnionAgreement' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Added the 'PositionDuration' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Added the 'PositionHierarchy' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Added the 'Identification numbers' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Changes and bugfixes to existing features:
Generic security updates, minor bug fixes and patches
The newly created parent menu will be Active (enabled) if any existing child menu is Active (enabled)
Improved the response time for refreshing roles on the 'Users' screen
Improved the scrolling issue when zooming out on the screens with multiple records
Handled the characters' input as per the allowed maximum length in the fields
Improved positioning of text for the Radzen HTML editor under the 'Guidance' section of the dashboard
Exposed 'Runexports' Odata entity in the app
Improvements done to show the correct birth date on the Worker profile and the birthday should ignore the timezone settings
Code improvements done related to removing the 'ToUpperInvariant' and 'ToLowerInvariant' from the database queries after the code cleanup
Detailed release information:
New feature 1: Added a parameter to 'Split' source fields into multiple export fields based on a 'Split' value
For the position ‘001735’, the ‘Default financial dimensions’ are set as shown in the screenshot
For the created configuration, disable the 'Active' toggle
Go to 'Export definition', create/Edit an export definition
Create/Edit an export field
Added 'Enable split value’ toggle, enable the toggle
The ‘Split character’ and ‘After split character’ fields appear, enter details and save it
Add a new mapped field
For the 'Cost center' field, set the 'Split' value
Set the 'Split' value for other mapped fields as well
Make the configuration 'Active'
Create a payroll run
Download the file from the 'Exports' section
For the position ‘001735’, all the field values of the original source field is exported in separate export fields
Note: a) The ‘Split character’ can be set to any value such as ‘Alphabet’, ‘Numeric’ and ‘Special character’ etc.
b) The ‘Split value’ functionality can only split the values of the ‘String’ data type.
c) If the original source field mapped with no split setup, then the mapped field will be exported in a single field as the original value
New feature 2: Added file naming conventions for ‘Run year (2 digits)’, ‘Run year (4 digits)’, ‘Run month (2 digits)’, ‘Run month (no leading zero)’, ‘Run day (2 digits)’ and ‘Run day (no leading zero)’ in the Export formats
In a created 'Export format', under the ‘Text file Parameters’ section, for the ‘File name and extension’ field:
Added file names ‘Run year (2 digits)’, ‘Run year (4 digits)’, ‘Run month (2 digits)’, ‘Run month (no leading zero)’, ‘Run day (2 digits)’ and ‘Run day (no leading zero)’
For the export format ‘AP-Excel format’ set up the ‘File name and extension’ field using added extensions with the ‘.xlsx’ file extension
Create a configuration with the below setup
Create periods
The source fields generated
Added and used export definitions
Add a new payroll run using the same configuration
Under the ‘Exports’ section, for the ‘AP-Excel format’ click on the ‘Download’ button when the Payroll run is in 'Ready state' and the file name showing according to the setup of the export format
Open the exported Excel file and the details showing as per the settings done
New feature 3: Added a button to remove the entire cycle if no periods in a pay cycle are in use and added an option to delete the last period of the configuration according to ‘Start date’ and ‘End date’ if the period is not in use
Create a configuration
The ‘Delete cycle’ button appears as multiple periods added
The ‘Delete’ dialog box appears, click on the ‘Delete’ button
All the periods were removed, and the message ‘The pay cycle is successfully removed.' showing
For any particular period ‘2023_004’, only the ‘Edit’ and ‘Close’ buttons will show
Only for the last period ‘2023_005’, the delete option will show
By clicking on 'Delete', the user can delete that unused period
The next period according to ‘Start date’ and ‘End date’ will be considered the last period
Create a Payroll run using the same configuration
It will give the message while deleting the used last period in the configuration
Note: Only for the last period of the configuration according to ‘Start date’ and ‘End date’, the ‘Delete’ option will be visible. If the period is ‘Closed’, no ‘Delete’ option will be visible. The ‘Delete’ option will not be visible to the other periods except the last period of the configuration and it must be ‘Open’.
New feature 4: Added the 'PayrollPositionDetail' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Under the ‘Data filter’ section, added the ‘PayrollPositionDetail’ entity
Create a configuration using the Employments data hierarchy
Create periods and source fields. Also, Update the labels for the source fields
Search ‘PayrollPositionDetail’ and list of newly added fields showing
Click on the ‘Active and add to Export Group’ option and select the export definition to add
For the created export definition, the mapped source fields showing
Make the configuration Active and create a payroll run
Under the ‘Exports’ section, for the export definition click on the ‘Download’ button when the Payroll run is in 'Ready state'
Open the exported Excel file and the values of the ‘PayrollPositionDetail’ entity for position ID ‘001790’ worker as ‘Emma VR Stone’ showing
New feature 5: Added the 'PositionUnionAgreement' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Under the ‘Data filter’ section, added ‘PositionUnionAgreement’ entity
Create a configuration using the Employments data hierarchy
Generate the source field
Create periods and source fields. Also, update the labels
Search ‘PositionUnion’ and list of newly added fields showing
Click on the ‘Active and add to Export Group’ option and select the export definition to add
For the created export definition, the mapped source fields showing
Make the configuration Active and create a payroll run
Under the ‘Exports’ section, for the export definition click on the ‘Download’ button when the Payroll run is in 'Ready state'
Open the exported Excel file and the values of the ‘PositionUnionAgreements’ entity showing
Note: The open position’s record will not be exported.
New feature 6: Added the 'PositionDuration' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Under the ‘Data filter’ section, added the ‘PositionDuration’ entity
Create a configuration using the Employments data hierarchy
Generate the source fields
Create periods and source fields. Also, Update the labels for the source fields
Search ‘PositionDuration’ and list of newly added fields showing
Click on the ‘Active and add to Export Group’ option and select the export definition to add
For the created export definition, added export source fields showing
Make the configuration Active and create a payroll run
Under the ‘Exports’ section, for the export definition click on the ‘Download’ button when the Payroll run is in 'Ready state'
Open the exported Excel file and the values of the 'PositionDuration’ entity showing
Note: a. The ‘Assignment start date’ is displayed if the ‘Position activation start date’ is smaller than the ‘Assignment start date’ otherwise the ‘Position duration activation start date’ is displayed.
b. The ‘Assignment retirement date’ is displayed if the ‘Position retirement date’ is bigger than the ‘Assignment retirement date’ otherwise the 'Position duration retirement date’ is displayed.
New feature 7: Added the 'PositionHierarchy' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Under the ‘Data filter’ section, added the ‘PositionHierarchy’ entity
Create a configuration using the Employments data hierarchy
Create periods and generate the source fields
Update the labels for the source fields
Search ‘PositionH’ and list of newly added fields showing. Click on the 'Activate selected' option
Search 'EmploymentV2' and click on the ‘Active and add to Export Group’ option. Select the export definition to add
For the created export definition, added export source fields showing
Add a new transpose field by filling in the details
Records will be retrieved according to the ‘Hierarchy type name’ set in the newly added ‘Transpose on’ field
As the setup is done for the ‘Line’ and ‘Matrix’ hierarchy types, it will export the data for both types. If the setup is done only for the ‘Line’ hierarchy type then it will export the data for the ‘Line’ hierarchy type only
Make the configuration Active and create a payroll run
Under the ‘Exports’ section, for the export definition click on the ‘Download’ button when the Payroll run is in 'Ready state'
Open the exported Excel file and the values of the 'PositionHierarchy’ entity showing for the position ID ‘001830’ according to the ‘Hierarchy name’ as ‘Line’ and ‘Matrix’
Note: If the worker has multiple active positions, only one position’s records will be exported.
New feature 8: Added the 'Identification numbers' entity to the Employments data hierarchy
Under the ‘Data filter’ section, added the ‘HcmWorkerPersonIdentificationNumberDualWrite’ entity
Create a configuration using the Employments data hierarchy
Create periods and generate the source fields
Update source fields by updating labels
Search ‘HcmWorkerPersonIdentificationNumberDualWrite’ and list of newly added fields showing
Click on the ‘Active and add to Export Group’ option and select the export definition to add
For the created export definition, added export source fields showing
Add a new transpose field by filling in the details
Enter the value as ‘SSN’, and select the source field for ‘Identification type ID’ from the ‘Source field’ dropdown field
Details will be displayed according to the value selected in the ‘Source field’ while the ‘Transpose on’ field will retrieve the data according to the entered value against the selected entity
Make the configuration Active and create a payroll run
Under the ‘Exports’ section, for the export definition click on the ‘Download’ button when the Payroll run is in 'Ready state'
Open the exported Excel file and the values for the ‘002710’ values showing with ‘Identification type ID’ as ‘SSN’ and all the details showing
Note: a. If the personal number identification entities are not transposed for a specific identification type, it will always fetch the latest record from the ‘HcmWorkerPersonIdentificationNumberDualWrite’ table.
b. Date valid at the time of selection will not work on the identifications as they are always valid (Will always fetch all the identification(s) assigned).