Release notes for Payroll Interface 3.8
Below is an overview of changed and new features introduced in this release of the FourVision Web App.
New features
- Implemented multiple number field conversion in source field value conversion
- Allowed the Payroll manager to open, close and reopen pay periods in the manager app
- Implemented validation for configuration on activation of a configuration, the validation message will appear if the configuration activation failed
Changes and bugfixes to existing features:
- Generic security updates, minor bug fixes and patches
- Improvement done to change file format in the export definition as long as no runs linked to the configuration.
Note: a) The 'Export format' field in the configuration can be edited as long as no files are created in the 'Exports' section of the payroll run details. Once a file appears in the 'Exports' section, the 'Export format' field will become non-editable on the 'Edit export definition' screen.
b) The ‘Export format’ field in the Configuration can be ‘Edit/Update’ until no payroll run is created using the Configuration
Detailed release information:
New feature 1: Implemented multiple number field conversion in source field value conversion
On the 'Edit configuration' screen, under the ‘Source fields’ tab, for the ‘CompFixedEmpl.Amount’ source field, the field type showing as ‘Decimal’. Clicked on it
If value conversion toggle enabled and ‘None’ selected in the ‘Reference field’. Multiple conversion lines will be unavailable, and conversion will be applied to all the populated identifiers values.
On the 'Edit source field' dialog box, the 'Enable value conversion' toggle is shown as enabled. The assigned conversion is displayed below. The newly added 'Reference field' dropdown is visible with the updated user interface.
On the ‘Reference field’ dropdown, all the related table entities visible
Under the ‘Export definitions’ tab, the export field showing as below and the ‘Use source field conversion’ toggle showing enabled. The newly added ‘Reference field’ dropdown field with updated UI.
Note: If ‘None’ selected in the ‘Reference field’, the functionality will work as before
Value conversion is enabled and an 'Entity' is selected in the 'Reference field', multiple conversion lines will be available. The conversion will be applied according to the condition(s) set in the 'Condition' field, against the entity selected in the 'Reference field'
Under the ‘Source field’ tab, on the ‘Edit source field’ dialog box, the ‘Up and Down arrow’, 'Add' and 'Delete' icons visible. Clicked on the ‘Reference field’ selected the ‘dataAreaID’ option and multiple conversion lines added.
Under the ‘Export definitions’ tab, conversion showing according to the ‘Source fields’
Under the ‘General’ tab, clicked on the ‘Save and activate’ button and activated configuration
Created a new payroll run with the below details and clicked on the ‘Add’ button
On the 'Payroll run details' screen, under the ‘Identifiers’ tab, for the worker ‘Crissy CM Cunningham’ showing with ‘Company’ as ‘USMF’. Clicked on the ‘Values’ option
Navigated to 'Runs values details' screen, the value for the ‘CompFixedEmpl.Amount’ showing as ‘60400’ as per the applied conversion (USMF = Addition- 200, Factor- 2)
On the 'Payroll run details' screen, under the ‘General’ tab, clicked on the ‘Download’ button for the ‘Employee fixed comp details’ file. The file downloaded, clicked on it
Payrate and Amount values showing according to applied conversion
Note: Newly added ‘Condition’ field is case sensitive
New feature 2: Allowed the Payroll manager to open, close and reopen pay periods in the manager app
Login with user 'Sara Thomas’ as Admin. On 'Configurations' screen, clicked on the ‘Edit’ option for ‘Standard configuration’ configuration
On the 'Edit configuration' screen, under the ‘Periods’ tab, the created periods visible
Login with user 'Claire Kennedy' as Manager. The newly added ‘Action’ column showing with the ‘Details’ option, clicked on it for the ‘Standard configuration’ configuration
It navigates to the newly implemented ‘Configuration detail’ screen. On this screen, two tabs added as ‘General’ and ‘Periods’
a) Under the ‘General’ tab, the ‘Pay cycle frequency’ field, ‘Fixed reference period’ toggle, and ‘Rolling reference periods’ field visible
b) Under the ‘Periods’ tab, all the periods showing same as created in the ‘Configuration’ from the ‘Admin’ app. Including ‘Search bar’, ‘Sorting’ functionality on the columns, ‘Status’ filter option and ‘Action’ column’ with ‘Close’ and ‘Open’ buttons
c) Column search options visible
‘Open/Close’ button in the ‘Configuration detail’ screen for the manager is based on Access levels, i.e. Read-only, Process and Run corrections
The ‘Human resource manager’ role assigned to the user ‘Claire Kennedy’. On the 'Configuration assignment' screen, the multiple configurations assigned to the role with different access levels a) Auto scheduled configuration -> Read only b) Standard configuration -> Process c) Workers configuration -> Run corrections
Login with user ‘Claire Kennedy’ as Manager. On the 'Active configurations' screen, for the ‘Auto scheduled configuration’ configuration with ‘Read only’ access level, clicked on the ‘Details’ option
On the 'Configuration detail' screen, under the ‘Periods’ tab, all the periods visible. The ‘Action’ column not visible for the ‘Read only’ access level, the ‘Admin’ and ‘Manager’ have no access to ‘Open/Close’ the periods with ‘Read only’ access
On the 'Active configurations', for the ‘Standard configuration’ configuration with ‘Process’ access level, clicked on the ‘Details’ option
On the 'Configuration detail' screen, under the ‘Periods’ tab, all the periods visible. In the ‘Action’ column, the ‘Close’ button visible, clicked on it
The period status updated to ‘Closed’ and no ‘Open’ button visible. The user does not have the access to ‘Open’ the period with ‘Process’ access
For the ‘Workers configuration’ configuration with ‘Run corrections’ access level, clicked on the ‘Details’ option. Under the ‘Periods’ tab, all the periods visible. In the ‘Action’ column, ‘Close’ button visible, clicked on it
The period updated to ‘Closed’ and ‘Open’ button visible
Login with user ‘Sara Thomas’ as 'Admin'. On the 'Edit configuration' screen, under the ‘Periods’ tab, the period updated to ‘Closed’ and ‘Open’ option visible.
Login with user 'Claire Kennedy' as 'Manager'. On the 'Configuration detail' screen, under the ‘Periods’ tab, clicked on the ‘Open’ button for ‘Closed’ period
Login with user ‘Claire Kennedy’ as 'Manager'. On the 'Configuration detail' screen, the period re-opens and the status updated to ‘Open’
Under 'Roles'. on 'Configuration assignment' screen, clicked on the ‘Delete’ icon for the ‘Standard configuration’ configuration
The configuration unassigned from the role
Login with user 'Claire Kennedy' as 'Manager'. On the 'Active configurations' screen, the configuration not showing on the screen
New feature 3: Implemented validation for configuration on activation of a configuration, the validation message will appear if the configuration activation failed
Interface -A: Assigned to the current system with additional custom fields created
On the 'Edit configuration' screen, clicked on the ‘Source fields’ tab
Under the ‘Source fields’ tab, the source fields generated and updated labels. Search for ‘Custom’ and the custom fields showing on the ‘Base worker’ table
Activated the configuration
On the 'Configurations' screen, for the ‘CM- Basic configuration’, clicked on the ‘Export’ option. The file exported properly
If the fields generated in the configuration don't match the available fields on the connected system, the configuration can't be activated.
Interface-B (With some missing custom fields)
On the 'Configurations' screen, clicked on 'Import' option. On the ‘Import configuration’ dialog box, imported the file and clicked on the ‘Import’ button
The ‘Configuration imported!’
On the 'Edit configuration' screen, under the ‘Source fields’ tab, all the custom fields showing
Under the ‘General’ tab, clicked on the ‘Save and activate’ button
The validation as ‘Some of the source fields in the configuration are not valid with the connected system. Please regenerate the source fields.’ appeared
If the configuration includes additional custom fields, those fields can be made inactive, and the inactive fields will be excluded from the validation operation
Selected all the custom fields and clicked on the ‘Remove selected' option under the ‘Bulk action’
‘0 items(s)’ showing
Under the source fields tab, selected all the custom fields and clicked on the ‘Deactivate selected’ option under the ‘Bulk actions’
All the fields showing as ‘Inactive’
Under the ‘General’ tab, clicked on the ‘Save and activate’ button
The configuration activated successfully
Note: For ‘Demo configurations’ the source fields are generated at the initialization, so the validating operation will be ignored