Release notes for Request 3.18
Below is an overview of changes and new features introduced in this release of the FourVision Web App.
New features
Implemented the 'Job family' field in the 'New position' form template with version 3.0 and introduced the 'Job families' entity on the Manual sync screen
Added entities 'Position default dimensions', 'Variable compensation awards' and 'Business Unit' to the scheduled jobs on the 'Scheduler' screen
Exposed the 'Employment type' entity with the Employment details of a worker for the New hire (Employee), New Hire (Contractor), Rehire (Employee) and Rehire (Contractor) form templates
Exposed the 'Employment category ID' entity with Employment details of a worker for New hire (Employee), New Hire (Contractor), Rehire (Employee) and Rehire (Contractor) form templates
Implemented the functionality to mass hiring applicants by adding a parameter and introducing ‘Unmatched’, ‘Matched’, ‘Requested’, ‘Hired’ and ‘Rejected’ tabs on the 'All applicants' screen
Changes and bugfixes to existing features:
Generic security updates, minor bug fixes and patches
Added the help text for the 'Real time data' parameters to improve the user experience on usage of real-time lookup on the 'Parameters' screen
Rearranged the document templates in alphabetical order while creating documents on the 'Create document' dialog box in the Request web app
Resolved the issue related to the default country value defined on the WebApp, the default fallback from the integrated 'Loqate' API is set as 'GBR' and the suggestions will be displayed accordingly. It can also be updated when the request is saved with a different 'Country' selected
Updated the 'Country' as 'County' on the 'Edit applicant' screen
Resolved the issues of the 'Purpose' field in Add worker details and Rehire templates
Detailed release information:
New feature 1: Implemented the 'Job family' field in the 'New position' form template with version 3.0 and introduced the 'Job families' entity on the Manual sync screen
Added entity ‘Job families’ in the Manual sync
For the ‘New position' template added version ‘3.0’
Added ‘Job family’ form field
For the ‘Position details’ field group, added the 'Job family' field
Added ‘PositionDetails’ integration entity, click on the ‘Assign fields’ button
Under the ‘PositionDetails’ integration entity, the ‘Job family’ field showing
Created request type with the 'New position 3.0' form
The request form ‘New position 3.0’ was created and under the ‘Position details’ tab, added dropdown field ‘Job family’
Selected ‘Account Manager’ in the ‘Job’ dropdown field under the ‘Position details’ tab
The value in ‘Job family’ was prefilled as ‘Account Manager-ND [Account Manager-ND]. Fill in the details in all tabs and click on the 'Save and submit' button
With user ‘Sara Thomas’ (Manager), under the 'Position details' tab, 'Job' and 'Job family' showing. Click on the 'Approve' button after verifying all other details
The specific request has been approved
The 'Job family' details have been added for that particular position
New feature 2: Added entities 'Position default dimensions', 'Variable compensation awards' and 'Business Unit' to the scheduled jobs on the 'Scheduler' screen
In the scheduler, under the ‘Job’ field, the entities ‘Business unit’, ‘Position default dimensions’ and ‘Variable compensation award’ were added to the list
Add a scheduled job with entities ‘Business unit’, ‘Position default dimensions’ and ‘Variable compensation award’. The status has been updated as ‘Finished’
The scheduled job with job type ‘All’ showing with the 'Finished' Status
On the 'Sync logs' screen, the newly added entities synced with all the entities
New feature 3: Exposed the 'Employment type' entity with the Employment details of a worker for the New hire (Employee), New Hire (Contractor), Rehire (Employee) and Rehire (Contractor) form templates
Added the ‘Employment types’ entity to the Manual sync screen and the status of synchronization showing 'Finished'
On the 'Sync logs' screen, the log details of the ‘Employment types’ entity showing 'Finished'
Added the ‘Employment type’ dropdown field in the ‘New hire employee 5.0’ template. Click on the ‘Field groups’ icon
For the ‘Employment details’ field group, click on the ‘Rearrange fields’ option
For the ‘Employment details’ field group, the ‘Employment type’ field showing
Added the ‘EmploymentDetails’ integration entity, click on the ‘Assign fields’ button
The ‘Employment type’ field showing under the ‘EmploymentDetails’ entity
Process: Transferring the value of ‘Employment type’ using the ‘New hire employee 5.0’ template
Request number 4 assigned to the user Claire Kennedy, click on the ‘Details’ option
Under the ‘Employment details’ tab, added the ‘Employment type’ dropdown field and the list of employment types. Select ‘Contractual’ employment type and approve the request
After approval, the ‘Employment type’ changed to non-editable
Under the ‘Employment details’ tab, the employment type is updated as ‘Contractual’
Worker’s details updated in the ‘Employment Details’ entity
Note: a) Employment type’ does not reset to blank when any of the ‘Employee/Contractor’ are terminated.
b) ‘Employment types’ entity added in the ‘Manual sync’ screen to synchronize the data.
c) Employment type dropdown field was added in the ‘New hire employee’, ‘New hire contractor’, ‘Rehire employee’, and ‘Rehire contractor’ templates of version 5.0.
d) Version 2.2 added for the ‘Termination’ template to handle the worker’s employment type (Employment type field not added).
New feature 4: Exposed the 'Employment category ID' entity with Employment details of a worker for New hire (Employee), New Hire (Contractor), Rehire (Employee) and Rehire (Contractor) form templates
Added ‘Employment categories’ entity showing, click on the ‘Sync’ button
Log details of the ‘Employment Categories’ entity were finished
Added the ‘Employment category’ dropdown field in the ‘New hire employee 5.0’ template. Click on the ‘Field groups’ icon
For the ‘Employment details’ field group, click on the ‘Rearrange fields’ option
The ‘Employment category’ field showing for the ‘Employment details’ field group
Added the ‘EmploymentDetails’ integration entity, click on the ‘Assign fields’ button
The ‘Employment category’ field showing under the ‘EmploymentDetails’ entity
Process: Transferring the ‘Employment category’ using the ‘New hire employee 5.0’ template
Under the ‘Employment details’ tab, added the ‘Employment category’ dropdown field and the list of employment categories
Select ‘Employee category’ in the employment category dropdown field and fill in other details. Click on the ‘Save and submit’ button
With user Sara Thomas’ (Manager), reverify the details showing, click on the ‘Approve’ button
After approval, the details changed to non-editable
With the user as ‘Simon Lam’, under the ‘Employment details’ tab, the employment category as ‘Employee category’ showing
In the ‘Employment Details’ entity worker’s details showing
Note: a) ‘Employment categories’ entity added in the ‘Manual sync’ screen to synchronize the data.
b) 'Employment category' dropdown field added in ‘New hire employee’, ‘New hire contractor’, ‘Rehire employee’, and ‘Rehire contractor’ templates of version 5.0
c) Version 2.2 added in the ‘Termination’ template to handle the worker’s employment category (Employment category field not added).
d) ‘Employment category’ does not reset to blank when any of the ‘Employee/ Contractor’ will be terminated.
e) The Employment category can be transferred to the ‘Employment details’ entity using the ‘Rehire employee 5.0’ template.
f) The value of the ‘Employment category’ can be transferred using the ‘New hire contractor 5.0’ template.
New feature 5: Implemented the functionality to mass hiring applicants by adding a parameter and introducing ‘Unmatched’, ‘Matched’, ‘Requested’, ‘Hired’ and ‘Rejected’ tabs on the 'All applicants' screen
Under the ‘Parameters’ tab, added the ‘Enable mass hire’ parameter with hover text. Enable the parameter
Under the ‘Applicants’ tab, the toggles added for ‘Job’ and ‘Position’
a) The ‘Job’ toggle is set to ‘Enabled’ by default
b) The ‘Position’ and 'Batch number' toggles are set to ‘Enabled’ and not required by default
c) Enabled the 'Is required' toggle for the ‘Position’ and the 'Position' updated as mandatory
The 'Applicants' screen updated with the ‘Unmatched’, ‘Matched’, ‘Requested’, ‘Hired’ and ‘Rejected’ tabs
After clicking on the ‘Filter’ icon, ‘Legal entity’, ‘Location’, ‘Batch number’ and ‘For rehire’ filter appears along with the ‘Reset filter’ icon
On the ‘Hired’ tab, columns ‘Batch number’, ‘Job’, and ‘For rehire’ added
Under the ‘Unmatched’ tab, added an applicant with the ID ‘000003'. Click on the ‘Edit’ option for the applicant
Redirected to the 'Edit applicant' screen. Under the ‘Personal information’ tab, added the editable field ‘Batch number’
Under the 'Position’ tab, the 'Position’ field is mandatory and all the action buttons are disabled
Under the ‘Applicant’ tab, disable the ‘Is required’ toggle for ‘Position’ and save the changes
Refresh the screen and the ‘Position’ field updated to non-mandatory and all the action buttons are now clickable
Update the ‘Employment start date’ as ‘02/01/2024’
Under the ‘Unmatched’ tab, no records showing
a) Applicant with ID ‘000003’ moved to the ‘Matched’ tab
b) Under the ‘Matched’ tab, added a check box for each applicant and the ‘Bulk Hire/Rehire’ button on the top right
c) The ‘Bulk Hire/Rehire’ button will be disabled if no records are selected
Scenario 1: If an applicant has ‘Personnel Number’ assigned with the worker ‘Status’ as ‘Inactive’ and ‘For rehire’ as ‘Yes’, the applicant can be rehired using the ‘Rehire’ template from the ‘Applicants’ screen.
Selected all the records and click on the ‘Bulk Hire/Rehire’ button
The ‘Request type’ dialog box appears with the ‘Employee rehire request type’ and ‘Contractor rehire request type’ dropdown
On the ‘Employee rehire request type’ dropdown field, the ‘Rehire (Employee)’ request type showing in the dropdown
Click on the ‘Contractor rehire request type’ dropdown field, ‘Rehire (Contractor)’ request type showing in the dropdown
Select the request type and click on the ‘Save’ button
The information message appears
After refreshing the screen ‘No record available’ under the ‘Matched’ tab. Click on the ‘Requested’ tab
Under the ‘Requested’ tab, check records with applicant ID ‘000003’ and ‘000004’ visible along with the request numbers ‘10’ and ‘11’ respectively
The request types with request numbers ‘10’ and ‘11’ are visible with the details
Submit the request number ‘10’ with the status ‘Draft’
The request number '10' assigned to the status ‘Set on form’ with the successor 'Approve'
The status of the request number ‘10’ updated as ‘Approved’
With user 'Simon Lam', all the details transferred correctly
With the user ‘Sara Thomas’ (Manager), the status of the request numbers ‘10’ and ‘11’ are updated as ‘Approved’
With the user 'Simon Lam', the worker ‘Neil CM Boar’ rehired
The applicants with ID's ‘000003’ and ‘000004’ moved under the 'Hired' tab
Scenario 2: If an applicant's request is rejected, the position can be reused.
a) Under the ‘Unmatched’ tab, multiple applicants are added with the job ‘Marketing Staff’ and ‘Personnel number’ not assigned
b) For applicant ‘Paul CM Johnson’, click on the ‘Assign position and request type’ icon
The ‘Assign position and request type’ dialog box appears, select the position ‘002438’. Enter the details and save the changes
The details of the request are visible and click on the ‘Reject’ button
On the 'All applicants' screen, under the ‘Rejected’ tab, the record with applicant ID ‘000009’ is visible with the position ID ‘002438’
Under the ‘Unmatched’ tab, click on the ‘Assign position and request type’ icon and the position ID ‘002438’ is available under the ‘Position’ dropdown
Note: a) If an applicant does not have ‘Personnel Number’ assigned and ‘For rehire’ set as ‘Yes’, the applicant cannot be rehired and will be disabled for ‘Bulk actions’ on the ‘Applicants’ screen.
b) If an applicant does not have ‘Personnel Number’ assigned and ‘For rehire’ set as ‘No’, the applicant can be hired using the ‘Hire’ template from the ‘Applicants’ screen.
c) If an applicant has ‘Personnel Number’ assigned and ‘For rehire’ set as ‘No’, the Worker will be hired with a new personnel number using the ‘New hire’ form.
d) Under the 'Unmatched' tab, the applicant without a position ID will be visible.
e) Under the 'Matched' tab, the applicant with position ID will be visible and the position ID will not be available again for assignment.
f) Under the 'Requested' tab, the applicant with the request number will be visible.
g) Under the 'Hired' tab, the hired applicant will be visible.
h) Under the 'Rejected' tab, rejected applicants will be visible and the used position ID will be available again for assignment.
i) Implemented the filter options on the 'Applicants' screen.
j) Implemented the functionality with the ‘Real time data’ also.
k) Implemented the functionality with 'Hire (Employee/Contractor)’ and ‘Rehire (Employee/ Contractor)’ form templates.