The list of users will show users that either logged in previously, or are imported under roles. Otherwise users will not show in this list.
User list page
The user list page shows:
- Name
- Worker name (from source)
- User name (from source)
- Roles (from source or added in the app)
- Dashboard template assigned
Under the 3 dots you can:
- Open the edit user screen
- Assign customer projects
- Delete a user
Edit user screen
- Name: name of the user
- User name: The user name of the user
- Worker name: The name of the worker that is attached to the user. This is imported from D365 Finance and Operations. The user and persona in the source system can be found under System administration --> The tab Links --> Users --> Find the user
It will show user name, Persona (this is the worker that is attached to the user), and the roles that are assigned and thus also imported in Timesheet management.
Dashboard template: Like explained under Dashboard templates, this is the template used to overrule the default template. If left empty, the default template will be set for this user, or none if no dashboard is set as default.
Role access: From here additional roles can be added to the user. This could be the case if roles are created in Timesheet management to complete specific tasks. Beware, only LOCAL roles can be assigned or unassigned to a user. These are roles that are created in Timesheet management itself. They only apply within the Web App and are not synced with D365 Finance and Operations.
Include missing timesheets: When this toggle is enabled, two things will happen: First of all, the user will show in the list of Missing timesheets if a timesheet of this user is missing. Second, it allows a notification to be send to the manager if the timesheet of that user is missing. This way a reminder can be send to user to fill in the timesheet.
Assign customer projects
Go back to the Users list and click Assign customer projects
From here we can assign customer projects to the user. Otherwise the user won't be able to fill in the timesheet. Only projects and tasks that are assigned to the user here will show in the list of timesheet hours.
Assign here:
Result while filling in timesheet hours:
Under assign customer projects we have another option and this is Apply to users
Select the users and project you want to assign and click Add
Now Simon also has the same project and tasks assigned to him.
This option will save a lot of time. Just click every user from customer support for example. This way the will all be assigned with the same Projects, Task groups and Tasks at the same time instead of doing them one by one.